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Ladies, check out the real reasons why you keep Attracting the wrong men?

Ladies, check out the real reasons why you keep Attracting the wrong men?

Selfishness is often confused with confidence. When a guy is all about his wants and needs, he often puts up a fight to do things his way. He also spends little time asking what you want to do and simply moves forward making plans that are to his liking. To a lot of women this may seem like the guy is just being manly and taking control. After all, who doesn't like a confident guy who knows what he wants and takes charge to get it.

However, there is a fine line between confident and selfish. A confident guy will still make sure you feel heard and strive to ensure that your wants and needs are met. A selfish man will argue why his way is better. If he constantly alters plans that you've made, and accuses you of being the inflexible one, this man isn't self-assured. He's self-absorbed.

You are constantly seeking approval. Ever wonder why you love a challenge? Ever ask yourself why you don't like the guys that like you? It could be that you aren't looking for love but instead are addicted to seeking approval, and the selfish man will keep you in a constant state of that. Since you don't realize why he never quite seems satisfied with you, your daily MO is aiming to please. It becomes a rush when he is happy and accepting of you, but a terrible let down when he doesn't. This indicates that you are dating with your ego instead of your heart.

The heart wants to find comfort and contentment, but the ego wants to seek approval and gain validation. Therefore anyone that you sense you have to "win over" is enticing. The sad part is that if you ever do triumph and conquer, you'll just get bored and move on.

You cannot accept people for who they are. You would rather die than give up on him. On the outside he's so perfectly your type, or you are so tired of being single, that the thought of letting go and moving on feels like you're passing up on the best opportunity you'll ever have. You think you can work on his flaws and possibly change him to be the caring, sensitive, and thoughtful person you know he can be.

The hard truth is that we are back at reason 1 one for why you keep attracting the wrong guys. No matter how cute, well dressed, in shape or intellectual he is, at his core, he's just a selfish guy. And changing that is not something you can do – he has to figure it out on his own. The best thing you can do is point it out and walk away. If he wants to work on that, let him do it on his own time and pray when he's figured it out that you are still available.

If you think you are attracted to the wrong men, or are constantly living in an approval seeking state, it may be the very reason your relationships have not worked out thus far. 


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Posted by Unknown, Published at Thursday, April 02, 2015 and have 0 comments

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